In Dire Need Of A Tablet? The Guide To Select The Best Android Tablet

Android Tablet

Wanting to take a taste of the Android tablet? Refer to this step-by-step easy and quick guide to know the basics of tablet purchasing and to be sure as to how to select the best Android Tablet.

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The very first step to buying the best Android tablet, is to know what one needs it for. Since one has already decided upon the operating system, and narrowed the choices down with Android, most of the work is automatically done.

Still one should pre-decide and ask oneself questions like – Does it need to have a webcam? A stylus? Keyboard? What size should be ideal to fulfil one’s purpose? Once these questions are answered, the biggest step to select the best Android Tabletis complete. One should be very selective and clear headed regarding one’s purpose.


The next step to know how to select the best Android Tablet, is to know the hardware.


A good tablet should have at least a dual-core processor. Having a processor less than that will not be supportive of multi-tasking and other demanding applications. Though, a dual-core processor will support, its good performance cannot be guaranteed. Thus in order to experience smoother multi-tasking and to play games, kick it up a notch and go with a quad-core tablet. The more power in the tablet that one goes for now, the longer will it last before it starts to annoy the hell out of the user.

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  • Battery Life

It won’t be long when the user realizes the importance of a tablet with a good battery life. Apple’s iPad comes with 10 hours of battery life, so naturally, this is the benchmark one needs to set for oneself. If the tablet cannot hold the charge for at least 12-14 hours a day, it’s going to annoy the user in the long run.

  • Wi-Fi

The choice between a ‘Wi-Fi only’ and ‘Wi-Fi’ tablet really depends upon the user. The Wi-Fi tablet will support both Wi-Fi and data connections. But do not forget that the bill for data connection will be a hefty one, in case you belongs to super user community.

However, the ‘Wi-Fi only’ only tablet, will not comprehend with the data connection. Thus the user needs to search for a Wi-Fi hotspot in case one needs to use it outside the house.


  • Screen Size

There are really a hell lot of sizes available in the market to suit the needs of the users. Ideally, a tablet should not be less than 8-9inches in size. The user in order to know how to select the best Android Tablet should know what size they prefers. But, big screen is not the only feature for a good one. A good battery life and screen resolution should be there to support it.

  • HD Screen

Preferably, one should go for a super AMOLED display. If not possible, LCD is also not bad. However, keep in mind that screen play very important role in presenting the image quality.

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Once all of these are decided, the user’s steps to select the best Android Tablet are almost completed. Additional features like ports, webcam are equally important. Since the tablet is going to play a bigger part in the user’s life, it has to have ports and webcam.

Other than this, as most of us use Tablets for playing games and for generally for entertainment purpose, be sure to bet on 16 or 32 gig version or even more if possible.

If you’ve any other criteria for selecting your smart device, do let us know!