How to Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Opening Problem

Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Opening Problem

When you try to open any particular app in your Windows 10, sometimes that app does not open or does not work properly. You may get different error messages when you try to open it again and again, but all messages indicate that this app is not running properly.

In such cases, when you do not know the real cause of this error as well as when you are not aware of the solution, usually only one choice left for you, i.e. simply uninstall that app and reinstall it again.

Don’t worry whenever such error hits your Windows 10 system as now you do not need to uninstall and reinstall the app. You can simply fix such type of error by using these solutions.

Run Windows Update service

You need to make sure that the Windows Update service is running properly, it is so because Windows 10 apps do not open if the Windows Update service is not working. So, you have to check for it through the following steps.

  • Press Windows key + R to open Run dialog.
  • Now, type services.msc in the text box and click Ok.
  • Find Windows Update on the list of services and set the Startup type to Manual or Automatic.
  • Another way is to double-click the Windows Update in order to open its properties window.
  • Now, Go to the Startup Type section and select either Manual or Automatic from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Start on the Service status section and then click Ok to save the changes

Change ownership of C: drive

Sometimes, the title/ownership of C: drive may also do not let you open Windows 10 apps. To fix this issue, you need to change the ownership of a drive-in these simple steps.

  • Right-click the C: drive (where Windows 10 in installed) and select Properties.
  • Now, go to Security tab in the Properties window and make a click on the Advanced button.
  • In the Advanced Security Settings, click change option in the Owner section.
  • When you click change, ‘Select User or Group’ window will open, where you need to click Find Now button.
  • A list will appear containing users and user groups. Select Administrators from the list and click Ok.
  • The corresponding object name will get added in Select User or Group window and click Ok.
  • You will see the new owner name in the Advanced Security Settings window and will also get added to the ‘Permission entries’ list.
  • Also, check ‘Replace owner on subcontainers and objects’ and click Apply and Ok.

Changes in Registry Editor

Some users have reported that along with unable to open Windows 10 apps, they also find problems with Start Menu while accessing their administrative account. Fix these issues by following the given steps.

  • Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog. Type regedit and click Ok.
  • Registry Editor Window will appear, where you have to move to the following key in the left section of the window.


  • On the right section of the window, find FilterAdministratorToken. If it is available, simply move to the next step, else create it by simply right-clicking in this section and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and change its name to FilterAdministratorToken.
  • Double-click on FilterAdministratorToken and enter 1 in the Value data and choose one option for Base field and click Ok.
  • Now, close Registry Editor Window and restart your system.

Check your apps are updated

Sometimes, Windows 10 apps not opening error may also occur if your apps are not updated to the latest version. To get the solution, you need to update the apps first before trying to open them again. This error can be fixed by these steps.

  • Press Windows key + S and Type Store on the search box at the bottom to open the Windows Store app.
  • When the Windows Store app will appear, select Microsoft Store from the list of result.
  • Now, click on the Microsoft Account icon available at the top right side of the window and select ‘Downloads and updates’ option from the menu.
  • Next, click ‘Check for updates’ button, which will update all apps in your Windows 10 system.

Update Windows 10

Sometimes, updating Windows 10 can also help you to fix such type of problem. For this, you have to be sure that the latest updates must be installed in your system. You have to do the following to make sure the updates.

  • Simply open ‘System App’ and select Update & Security.
  • Next, go to Windows Update and start downloading the latest updates.

You can also use a tool which downloads all the old drivers on your system automatically.

Clear Windows Store cache

When you are unable to open Store app, you can reset Store cache as one of the fixing methods to get out of this problem. Follow these steps to perform Store cache reset.

Press Windows key + X and choose Command Prompt (Admin) in order to open the Command Prompt as administrator.

When command prompt window opens, type wsreset.exe and press Enter on your keyboard to run this command.

Now, close Command Prompt and open the Store app and try to update the apps.


There are many other solutions to fix Windows 10 apps not opening issue. If you have this problem, simply try any of the above solutions and open your app.