How to Take a Full Backup using Windows 10’s System Image Backup


Since important data is now stored digitally in the form of documents, pictures and PDFs, it has become increasingly important to make sure that you have a ‘copy’ or backup of the important data that you have stored on your computer system. This is why it is important to create backups as a precaution in case your hard disk is attacked by malicious files or if the disk crashes due to some reason.

Since Windows 7 was launched, Windows System Image has been an essential part of the operating system. System Image allows the user to copy every piece of information stored in their computer and create a backup for future use. This includes the settings, applications and files. Since the tool compresses data and stores it, it takes about 30-40 seconds to backup 1 GB.

To create a Windows System Image in Windows 10 is not a very straightforward task. The process to create a system image can be difficult to understand. This is why here are the steps to create a system image listed out for your convenience –

  • Open the start menu from the icon on the lower left-hand corner.
  • Open the control panel
  • When the control panel window opens, click on the option that reads ‘security and control’
  • Then select the ‘create a system image’ option in the menu
  • The tool then allows you to choose where you want to store the backup. You can choose to store the backup in an external hard disk or a DVD.
  • If your computer has a DVD-RW drive, you can connect your external drive to your PC, and then select a hard disk and click ‘Next’.
  • Once you’ve selected where to store the data, click on ‘Start Backup’ option
  • A pop-up window asking you if you want to create a system repair disk will show up on the screen. This puts your image on a CD or DVD, which you can use to access the system image you created if your PC won’t boot.

By following these steps you can successfully create a system image for your Windows 10 PC. You can easily create a backup of all the information and data on your computer device. This helps users feel at ease without having to worry about losing data.

When your hard disk does not boot or is damaged due to some reason, you can restore all your data from the system image software using this method-

  • Open the Settings app and go to the option that reads ‘update and security’
  • Then click on the option that reads ‘recovery’
  • There is a section in this menu called ‘advanced startup’, select this and click on the ‘restart now’ button
  • Allow your PC to restart completely and then select troubleshoot
  • In this menu select, ‘advanced options’ and then select system image recovery’
  • This will display a list of instructions on the screen that you need to follow to restore all your data on your computer.

The creators of this tool are the company Microsoft and due to this, this tool gains more credibility and is more reliable as compared to other backup tools. This is an inbuilt tool in all the computers that have operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista and Windows 10. However, if the company chooses to discontinue providing this service in the future, one should ensure that they have used a backup tool that they can when such a situation arises.

Follow the steps mentioned above and create a backup to store all your important documents and data safe in case your hard disk is corrupted or damaged! Good luck!