Everything You Need To Know About The Tabs Feature in macOS Sierra

Tabs Feature in macOS

One of the most convenient features in most of our internet browsers today is the setting up of multiple tabs in a single window. It makes your work flow management pretty simpler by stacking all the information relating to one particular work in form of tabs under a single Window.

In the latest upgrade of macOS Sierra to all its Mac PCs and Laptop series, Apple has introduced this wonder feature called the Tab Feature for many of its own home-baked as well as third party applications.

Here we will be discussing about how to get started with using the new Tab feature in macOS Sierra and its various other associated functions and utilities.


After you update your Mac PC/Laptop to macOS Sierra the Tabs feature will be supported by most of the applications. To begin with, open multiple windows


After this, click “Window” in the Menu bar and select the option for “Merge all Windows”. Once done, all your open windows will gather at one place. In case you have used Safari, you must be familiar with such interface. Just like we see a most of the browsers, a “+” button helps you add another Tab if needed.

However, note that opening up a “New Document” in the “File” section will result in creating a new window.


This has to be a bit experimenting process at your end. Testing and opening several applications you need to check whether you get the “Merge all Windows” option. However, there is no surprise to it that applications that come under Apple’s own iWorks suite will allow this feature. This means you can have Numbers, Pages and other sheets to be merged under a single window.

Note that there are certain applications which have their own window management features. Such applications will not run the Tabs feature of macOS Sierra. Like for e.g. Chrome and Firefox have got their own tabs support. Also is your are using MS Office suite applications like Word, Excel, there comes a built-in “Split” and “Arrange All” feature within the Office window management.


In case you are an avid user of Safari, some of the keyboard shortcuts you might be knowing are:

  1. Ctrl + Tab: Move to the next Tab
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move to the Previous Tab

Similarly you can also switch between tabs in Firefox and Chrome using shortcuts Command + Option + Left/Right Arrow.

You can even add and customise keyboard shortcuts. For this, go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts.


Here you can customise and add your own shortcuts as per your preferences. Let’s us know how this tab feature has helped increase your productivity!