How To Get Installed Apps List In Windows 8/10


Definitely hooking Windows Start menu is the most appropriate way to search any installed program in Windows or to quickly jump to recently accessed programs. A system with lost of installed programs messes up Start Menu, which is inevitable to happen as by default all program which gets installed on PC automatically lists themselves in Start Menu that makes Start Menu more cluttered.

Another way to view all the installed programs in PC is by navigating to Control Panel -> Programs and Features where you can see full list of available programs. In the Programs and Features option you can just view the list and uninstall any program but you can’t access them using this list.

Well here is the solution to view all the available programs, access them straight away from there and sort them on basis of different parameters. We all known that Windows comes with lost of hidden components, settings and features that become visible only when user makes some tweaks with Windows settings. So, this time again you got to tweak some hidden shortcut feature that lists a special Windows, which contains all the available programs in Windows 8 and Windows 10.

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You can get this in Windows 8 tab listing all the installed application on your system, by simply adding a new shortcut at desktop or location where you want.

[post-code] Right-Click > New > Shortcut [/post-code]

Enter the following code in item location box:

[post-code]%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}[/post-code]

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Click Next button and name the shortcut whatever you like. To make this more productive, pick the newly created shortcut and Pin to Taskbar.